Crossroads Family Chiropractic utilizes an interdisciplinary approach to health care, combining core elements of several complimentary therapies, and concentrates on helping patients reach optimal health by finding and treating the source of the problem, not just the symptoms.

The Crossroads Family Chiropractic also assists healthy patients in optimizing and improving performance and function in their everyday life, including work, sports and activities, and more.

By removing interferences, such as misaligned bones, tight connective tissue, and more, Crossroads Family Chiropractic helps patients heal and excel the way we were meant to.  Naturally.

We are dedicated to providing gentle, high quality care and personal attention to our patients. Here you will find information on our staff, the services we provide, office information, and general Chiropractic resources.

Our office is located in Littleton, serving all local communities.


**Beginning in May 2024, our office is open alternating Saturdays only. Please see the calendar for details.

Friday, February 14th @ 11am through Saturday, February 15th: Dr. Moret out of the office.

Thank you, neighbors! Crossroads Family Chiropractic has been voted a neighborhood favorite for 2023.